AYE: Open Mic

Welcome to Hazleton Art League’s 12th Annual Art Youth Expo, a celebration of young artists, ages 13-30. We are pleased to announce our Open Mic: Poetry, Music and Spoken Word Contest. Hosted by the Art League’s own (and AYE11 Open Mic winner) Jamie DeNoia, we are excited to showcase the young talent of our area. 

Time:  Friday, June 2, 8-10pm (May last longer if necessary.)

Place: the upstairs studio of the Hazleton Art League, at the Hayden Family Center for the Arts, 31 W. Broad St., Hazleton

Additional Information:

•There will be two $75 prizes: Best Original Work and Most Entertaining. The winners will be decided by our judges.

•Entrants must be between 13-30 years old, and must be registered for the contest at hazletonartleague.org/aye2023. All ages are welcome in the audience. Bring your friends!

•Performances do not need to be original, but if the material presented is not original, it must be noted as so to the judges. Original work is welcome and celebrated.

•All sorts of performance - music, poetry, drama, etc. - are welcome. Please keep your time to under ten minutes. 

Thank you so much for being a part of the magic of the Hazleton Art League.